Our Last Transfer

Our friends, the Wiedmeiers went home and we're next!  They are both from Montana but came here from Missouri.  Randy has the best stories of growing up on a ranch and was a professor/expert on cattle at Utah State in Logan.  Linda was our mission nurse. Love them lots and will miss them.

Our replacements were supposed to arrive this last Wednesday but have run in visa problems.  They finished their MTC training and still no visas.  They were reassigned temporarily to the San Bernadino Mission near their hometown of Redlands.  They are disappointed and so are we!  We will start training them on zoom.  We had the same problem coming out of the MTC and got reassigned but it only lasted less than a week.  

More cleaning, setting up and beds this week. Tim and the APs moved some sisters last week--luckily they only had to go next door! We needed some beds up north in an elders' flat and they don't have a senior couple to help them so I ordered beds from a place called Forty Winks!  Cute name. It was touch and go for a while because they couldn't take a credit card on the phone!  Sister Christine Calderwood saved the day with a one-time payment which had to go to New Zealand, the Area Office, first!  It barely came back in time for transfers!  Seems like it's always like that and we're crossing our fingers and praying hard for things to go through.

We're trying to keep our heads above water while preparing to train our replacements.  This month has been very busy with so much going on with flats and leases and repairs! We will be working up to the very end of our mission.  No resting here! 

Thank you for your prayers.  We need them more than ever now to prepare to go home and yet leave things in order here.  Love you and will see you soon. 💕


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